Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Boys of Summer

Thats the best logo in all of sports right there. Yankee fans might have a beef, but hey, we have gone to the World Series more recently then them, so they can just be quiet for a little bit. I am a tried and true Tigers fan. I watched them in high school, and back when they were really really bad. But this post is less about the Tigers, but what the idea of them starting to play invokes.

When I think of Tigers baseball I think of many things. The small of hot dogs, beer and peanuts, which is a surprisingly pleasant smell. The sight of the most amazing green lawn you have ever seen. Lazy summer days sitting at the beach listening to the game on the radio while you self-bake. The wave. Cheering so loud when they beat the Yankees in the 06' playoffs that I could not talk for two days (this was by far the highlight of my sport attending life). The hot dog opera guy. Watching the fireworks after a weekend game and wondering if the noise annoyed the people who bought the new condos next to the ballpark.

When it comes down to it, I am ready to cheer for my Tigers, but I am even more ready to relive some of these cherished tastes, smells and experiences. Happy Summer in the D

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